
Become the Corporate Icon

and journey from

Stagnation to Stardom

In Just 5 Hours

By Using our Research-based Proven ‘Cumulative Growth-Propeller’ Approach to
2x Productivity, 3x Confidence and
10X your Career Growth

Without Being a Yes-Man or
A Victim of Office Politics

  • 5-hour Hands-On  Workshop
  • Live Interactive ONLINE Sessions 
  • ‘Walk the Talk’ Challenges to Supercharge your Career     

Join us LIVE ONLINE 16th Dec 2023 at 9:00 AM IST

Your Career Accelaration Coach

Unfolding the CGPA Magic for Career Acceleration


The Professional Quotient Triangle leads you from career Stagnation to Stardom in 5 clear steps paving way to a smoother corporate climb. No more getting stuck on the corporate ladder.

Mastering the Three Metrics of Growth Auto-magically Out-Shines Workplace Competition ensuring Your Everlasting Relevance at Work.

Embracing the Unique 'Youness' (essence) of Your Multifaceted Persona serves as a powerful catalyst propelling you beyond internal inhibitions & fears and Anchoring you for Unwavering Growth.

‘Become the Corporate Icon’ workshop,

Empowers You with

Elevated Emotional Quotient & Emotional Resillience

Unlock Your Potential, Elevate Your Leadership, and Supercharge Your Career Growth with emotional intelligence-based strategies.

Invaluable CXO – Wisdom

Unearth invaluable wisdom, insights, and the experience of numerous CXOs we've interviewed, guiding your journey to excellence and setting you apart from the competition

Psychology Driven Insights to Navigate Office Dynamics

Master Workplace Dynamics with Human Psychology-Driven Insights, Navigating Delicate Equations for Lasting Success and Maintaining Unshakable Footing."

Your Career is in Your Hands! Never Again Struggle to Climb

Crush these Career Barricades

Being a Yes-Man & sacrificing self respect

Enduring Humiliation from Challenging Colleagues & Struggling with Self-Worth

Being a Victim to Office Politics & deciding to quit your job

Inhibiting Your Own Growth & Stagnating In Your Career

Witnessing Others Reap the Rewards You Rightfully Earned

Don’t Believe? Need Evidence?

Hear it from Our Happy Customers !

Join our ONLINE 5 hour Session &
Discover 5 Powerful Secrets for Career Acceleration

Harness your Abilities & Kick open the Gateway to Growth
Recognise your innate inhibitions & Get out of Your Own Way to Accelerate your Career. Unlearn your set mind-patterns and make way for growth
Assert your Unique Multifaceted YOUNESS & Beat the Competition at work . Apply those seldom-used dimensions of your persona and watch your career roar
Apply the wisdom of CXOs & use their SECRET Shortcut to SCALE the Corporate Summit. Learn from the masters who climbed much ahead of you and use their tricks to fly high in your career
Integrate the Magic Career-Growth Master Plan in your everyday routine – one strategy at a time, & Get Ready to Scale Newer Heights



kavitha shenoi

Meet Kavitha Shenoi, an inspiring Career Acceleration Coach, with a track record of transforming the careers of over 10,000 working professionals, ranging from industry newcomers to senior executives across diverse sectors.

She empowers them to embrace their unique personalities, fostering radical career growth, innovation, personal excellence, effective career advancement, and long-lasting career success.

Her expertise lies in transforming participants through a comprehensive approach enriched with strong concepts, insightful teaching, real-world case studies, and practical hands-on sessions.

She has successfully leveraged her extensive industry experience and personal growth to craft outcome-oriented experiential learning workshops.

In her latest workshop, Become the corporate Icon she, places significant emphasis on integrating wisdom, insights, and the invaluable experiences of countless global CXOs stemming from her diligent research and interviews conducted over the past 2 years.

She holds certifications as an International Speaker and a Train the Trainer from T. Harv Eker & Blair Singer. Additionally, she is certified by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) for soft skills training, the National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) for Training the Trainers, and APMG, UK as an AGILE Practitioner.

She has completed the Executive General Management Programme at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore alongside her professional background as an electronics engineer, with these certifications reflecting her diverse expertise.

She is also a passionate advocate and practitioner of Green practices, and has published a book titled, ‘The Green Business: How to Grow Money on Trees’ that not only empowers Young India with several Green Career Opportunities but also showcases India’s rich Green – Spirit and Technology to the global audience.

Furthermore, as part of her commitment to giving back to society, she strives to elevate the much needed skill development and entrepreneurial ambience in the country. She believes “experimenting to excel” alone, drives us to the pinnacle of our potential.

Her innumerable noteworthy speeches at various events have received high praise and have served as a source of inspiration for women, innovators, and budding entrepreneurs alike.

ARE YOU READY To Reinvent Your Career
and Rise To New Heights?

Check out Your Master Plan to Become the Corporate Icon

Step #1

Discover 5 Powerful Secrets of Career Acceleration by getting access to the workshop for a small fee

Step #2

Maximize your learning from the workshop by implementing one strategy at a time by watching instructional videos and test your knowledge with quizzes after each video.

Step #3

Witness your career soar as you undergo positive transformations and embrace a progressive mindset shift toward your profession.
REGISTER NOW to Reclaim your Bonus worth Rs 14,000/- ABSOLUTELY FREE



Supercharge Your Career

With the CGPA Magic


EBook worth Rs 8500/-

“Unlocking Your Corporate Ascent”

A 90-Minute Deep Dive

to Propel Your Success

Worth Rs. 5500/-

Are You Still Procrastinating?

You are Just One Click Away from Scaling Newer Career Heights

Take Action Now!"

Thank you for taking time to read this page...Seize this opportunity before it's too late!

This is Your Last chance to Grab your seat and catapult your career to excellence and success. Don't miss out on this exclusive workshop!

REGISTER NOW  and transform your career into a high-flying success story today ! Stay forever at the top of your Professional Game!”

Got More Questions? No Worries!

We’ve got you Covered

The live ONLINE Preview Workshop is for 5 hours usually on Saturday mornings and starts @9:00am Exact dates will be intimated through the Website. Once you register Without Fail you will need to join the Whatsapp. Group for all information, exact dates of sessions and walk the talk challenges

Come Join the workshop and rekindle your career!

Great question. LIVE Sessions Only!

We Want to Raise your level of Confidence! We also love interacting with you to get to know your concerns and help you quickly find a solution.

You will get all your questions answered in the session. If not you can always ask them on the WhatsApp Group.

Welcome to the Live Sessions! Be With Us..

Come Join the workshop and Stay on Top of your Professional Game!

Each session will be for 5 hours starting Saturday at 9:00am day!

The following weekend, you will also EARN a 90 minute deep dive absolutely free to propel your career success

Come Join the workshop and Stay on Top of your Professional Game!

Sorry, recordings won’t be shared. Because recordings will get tossed aside once the sessions are through, we urge you to bring a notepad  and infuse the learning through your muscle memory. 

However, do take full advantage of the LIVE SESSIONS!

We can try to accommodate you on other batches if that suits you to help you Stay on top of your professional game!

It’s not a super advanced workshop. But We have got you well-covered.

These sessions will benefit working professionals from industry entrants to senior executives who want to know and plan much in advance how to ace the corporate climb. You will immensely gain from the rich industry experience of your mentor-trainer, invaluable insights from global CXOs  and emotional intelligence and psychology driven strategies that will help you can develop a formidable attitude for a winning career  performance.

10X your career growth with our 'Walk the Talk' Challenges. Come Join the workshop and Stay on top of your professional game!

This workshop will help you awaken the multi dimensional persona  within you  and rekindle your unique  skills and strengths to stop stagnating and  re-start your career journey towards stardom. It will give you all the tricks, techniques and shortcuts when applied will raise your confidence and help you ace your career performance. In short, it will guide you to land your favourite position on the corporate ladder.

Come Join the workshop and Stay on top of your professional game!

Absolutely no problem!

We value your time and money as much as we do our own! Please let us know the reasons behind your dissatisfaction and get your 100% refund back.

No questions asked.


Sushant Kurunthil Managing Director, HashECM Technologies Pvt ltd

The program has added great value to my organisation.I noticed that my employees could collaborate better, communicate effectively and think with a larger perspective.

Sai Teja Shift Lead, Starhome Mach, Bangalore

Thanks so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues

H. K. Mehta Vice President, HR, Mineral Enterprises Limited

The whole program was activity based and the content was creative and superb.
The whole workshop was really really fantastic experience.

Dharmendra Lead - Mach Cleaning Solutions

Thanks so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues

16th Dec 2023

Scale Newer Career Heights @ just Rs.399/-

Earn Your Bonus  worth Rs. 14,000

Shine Your Brilliance Through  and Fly-High!